
Home Portfolio

When you invest in a company’s services, you want to be sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. After all, it’s your time and money, and wasting it is never fun. So, instead of wondering if our work is up to your standards, take a look at our portfolio and let the results speak for themselves!

Rotten Wall Repair
Plymouth Roofing Project
Roofing in Maple Grove
Chimney Repair Eagan Minnesota
New Windows in Forest Lake
Woodbury Kitchen Remodel
Fixing Bad Flashing
Framing by Kellington Restoration and Remodeling
Floor Installation
Rosemount Basement Remodel
Remodeling Twin Cities
hail damage
Fireplace renovation by Kellington restoration and remodeling
Kellington Restoration Water Damage repair
Water Damage Restoration
Collapsed Barn Roof
Porch Ceiling
kellington restoration
Fun Office
kellington bathroom
kellington restoration
Restoration and remodel
Deck Stairs in Minneapolis
Deck Stairs in Minneapolis